
The most powerful tool to stop the acceleration of aging caused by mTOR dysfunction and cellular senescence.
Cellular senescence leads to the gradual degradation of tissue function. As we age, we accumulate a higher proportion of senescent cells to healthy cells, leading to fragility and the beginning of age-related chronic disease.
Cellular senescence leads to the gradual degradation of tissue function. As we age, we accumulate a higher proportion of senescent cells to healthy cells, leading to fragility and the beginning of age-related chronic disease.
A cell can go into a state where it is not allowed to replicate or continue to grow. When cell growth and replication are arrested, it is considered to be a senescent cell. The cell isn't dead, but it's not healthy, either. It's a zombie cell.
Senescent cells are particularly dangerous because they can recruit healthy cells into becoming senescent cells—building up the zombie army. Over time the underlying tissue that the senescent cells make up loses its original function, which makes us more fragile and prone to age-related disease.
The defining characteristic of a senescent cell is the inflammatory distress signal that it emits. Because a senescent cell is in a damaged state, it signals out to other cells that it is under duress by emitting a witch's brew of inflammatory molecules that we call the SASP (senescence-associated secretory phenotype). This inflammatory response damages the tissue and causes cells adjacent to the senescent cells to become senescent as well.
Across most age-related chronic diseases, we see these inflammatory phenomena wreaking havoc as we get older.
Autophagy is the cell's process to clean out and recycle cellular debris. In terms of senescence, autophagy reduces SASP inflammatory molecules created by senescent cells. In doing so, it reduces the ability of a senescent to make its neighbor cells into being senescent as well.
Autophagy is one of the great levers we have to increase our healthspan. We can induce autophagy in a cell through three well-known healthspan interventions: fasting, the supplemental usage of molecules like Metformin and Rapamycin, and exercise.
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